The Hoax of a One World Government or New World Order

One World Government? – New World Order?

United Nations Emblem - Art of Heraldry - Peter CrawfordThe Books of Daniel and the Revelation are about the history of the Imperial powers that have ruled the nations.  These prophecies have nearly run their course and we now live at the time of the last of them, i.e. the ten nations, which are represented by toes in Dan 2 and horns in Dan 7 and Rev 12,13,  &17. You may have been taught that these ten nations are in our immediate future.  However there are no gaps in the metal man of Dan 2, these ten nations have been around since Rome fell in 476 A.D.  There have been wars, they have merged. they have had revolts, from time to time there have been slightly more or less then ten, but when the dust settles there they are, TEN.

The only empire in the prophecies that is still future is the one represent by the rock not cut with hands Dan 2. Nearly everyone thinks this is the Millennial reign of Messiah.  There is no future human government like the New World Order or One World Government.  No matter how much men may try, it is just not there.  In fact the book of Daniel expressly says that it cannot happen. When speaking of the toes it says;

As you saw the iron mixed with miry clay, so they will mix with one another in marriage, but they will not hold together, just as iron does not mix with clayDan. 2:43.

Which pretty much sums up European history.  They have mixed, but no matter how hard they try they have not been able to hold together.  Not since the tower of Babel have men been able to hold themselves together. [Gen 11] Charlemagne, Charles V, Louis XIV, Napoleon, and finally Hitler have all failed at this monumental task.  The only way to accomplished this task, is to concede it to the One with a Rod of Iron. [Rev. 19:15]  So we must wait till Shiloh come. 

The scepter shall not depart from Judah, nor a lawgiver from between his feet, until Shiloh come; and unto him shall the gathering of the people be. Gen. 49:10


All the ends of the earth shall remember and turn to the LORD;

and all the families of the nations shall worship before him.

For dominion belongs to the LORD, and he rules over the nations.

Yea, to him shall all the proud of the earth bow down;

before him shall bow all who go down to the dust,

and he who cannot keep himself alive.

Posterity shall serve him;

men shall tell of the Lord to the coming generation,

and proclaim his deliverance to a people yet unborn,

that he has wrought it.  Psa. 22:27 -31

Angels who Left Their First Abode

satanCastOutThe Greek word aggelos can be translated as either Messengers or Angels. As messenger in the New Testament it is usually someone who brings a message from God. There is no way of telling whether this word is to be translated as spiritual beings, or messengers, except context. Which brings us to two controversial passages where the translators have chosen angels but the context is speaking of men, and should therefor have been messengers.[2 Pet. 2:4-10; Jude 1:5-7]

 For if God did not spare the angels when they sinned, but cast them into hell and committed them to pits of nether gloom to be kept until the judgment;  5 if he did not spare the ancient world, but preserved Noah, a herald of righteousness, with seven other persons, when he brought a flood upon the world of the ungodly;  6 if by turning the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah to ashes he condemned them to extinction and made them an example to those who were to be ungodly;  7 and if he rescued righteous Lot, greatly distressed by the licentiousness of the wicked 8 (for by what that righteous man saw and heard as he lived among them, he was vexed in his righteous soul day after day with their lawless deeds),  9 then the Lord knows how to rescue the godly from trial, and to keep the unrighteous under punishment until the day of judgment,  10 and especially those who indulge in the lust of defiling passion and despise authority. 2 Pet. 2:4-10

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Undoing 1844 Made Simple

Written by Guest Author

Mark Wikander

As a person who used to believe all of the SDA theology including 1844 as the beginning of the day of atonement and the cleansing of the heavenly sanctuary. I write the following article for non-SDA historicists in order to deal with SDA’s. SDA’s make many assumptions about their theology, but namely they are never wrong, because they have a prophet. This assumption lock in any error they have and it must be dealt with before the SDA will even consider a different view. There are 2 ways to do this 1. Is to go directly after the prophet. This is only effective if a person is well studied in the History and Myth surrounding her. This is how I first had doubts. The Second is to go after the core teaching that She endorsed, if it is not true, then she is not true, because he endorsed it. That is what I will do here. A side note. the Prophet Ellen G. White, did not actually write any of the SDA doctrine, She came along and put her/God’s endorsement of the teaching. In the SDA mind becausen Sister White, as she is called, endorsed a teaching while claiming to be in vision, the doctrine is automatically true and cannot change. It is with this in mind I will write about the 2300 days/1844 teaching and address the assumption held by SDA’s in their interpretation of the passage. It is not intended to be an interpretation of the passage.

The SDA’s assume that the 2300 day ends in 1844 and that God began to cleans the sanctuary on the anti-typically day of atonement on that day, for the following reasons

1. They assume a day-year principle in Daniel 8 & 9

2. They a connection Between 8&9

3. They assume a common start date for the prophecy between 8&9

4. They assume a universal application of the Day-year in all prophecy.

5, They assume all other methods are in harmony with day-year.

6. They Assume Daniel 9 is part of Daniel 8.

7. They assume because Ellen White Endorsed 1844 it is proof of her prophetic calling.

If you break these assumption the whole thing falls apart. In what follows is a breaking of those assumptions. We do not start in Daniel 8 with the 2300 days, as one would assume, but in Daniel 9, because Daniel 9, in the SDA Mind, is the foundation for making the leap and connection to Daniel 8. Break the foundation and the SDA cannot make the leap to Daniel 8. They have to look at each prophecy individually. Only after this has been done can an SDA question their theology.

Daniel 9 the proper understanding is as follows….

Daniel says at the beginning of chapter 9 that he understood by Jeremiah the Prophet that the temple would lay desolate for 70 years and then be rebuilt. It is after this understanding that the Angel of the Lord came to him to give him further understanding. So it should be a reasonable conclusion that we look at the information attributed to Jeremiah concerning the 70 years of desolation of the temple first.

The scriptures tell us in Jeremiah 25:10, 29:11 that the temple would lay desolate for 70 years, but it never tells us why, what caused the Lord to be angry with Israel? In 2nd Chronicles 36:21 scripture tells us exactly why, 70 years of Desolation, 1 year for each year the land did not have it rest. Did you catch that! The Chroniclers told us why. They violated the Sabbath-year rest in Leviticus 25:1-13, Leviticus 26:14-24. The land was supposed to rest once every 7 years; no work was to be done. But they did not obey this command; 70 times they neglected to give the land its rest. So God punished them by sending them to Babylon for 70 years, one for each year the land did not receive its rest.

Now let us do a simple calculation so that you can see how it applies to the second half of Daniel 9, 7 years (the time between Sabbath-year rests) times 70 (the number of times they violated the Sabbath rest = 490 the time period covered by the original time period given to observe the Sabbath-year rest, 7×70=490 years given to obey the Sabbath-year rest. Why is this important, because in the next part of the prophecy Daniel is given another 490 years as we shall see?

The next section the Angel comes to Daniel and says His prayer has been answered. He tells him the temple is going to be rebuilt and then messiah is going to come and then the desolator is going to come and desolate the temple. The prophecy starts with the temple being desolate and ends with the temple being desolate, what happens in between is what concerns us now.

The angel tells Daniel “70 Weeks of years, have been decreed for your people and the holy city” (vs. 24), this is only applying to the Jewish people and Jerusalem. He goes on to tell them that they have a job to do, to finish transgression, to make and end of sin, to make reconciliation for iniquity, to bring in everlasting, to seal up the vision of the prophecy and to anoint the Most Holy” (vs. 24), then in vs. 25-27 he breaks down the time prophecy even further by showing a division of the prophetic weeks 7,62,1 respectively.

What concerns us is the term weeks and the term decreed. Weeks is a word in Hebrew for a grouping of seven, any grouping of seven, seven cars, seven people, seven animals. It is the same as the word dozen. Dozen mean a grouping of 12, 12 cars, 12 people, and 12 animals. In the context of the prophecy it means a grouping of seven years. A group of 7 years 70 times, the total which will be 490 years. Now we need to stop and take a look at that. Daniel had just understood that the prophecy concerning the desolation of Jerusalem was punishment for the 490 years or 70 times they failed to observe the Sabbath-year rest, now the angel comes and tell them they are going to get another 490 to obey God, and the prophecy will be broken down by weeks. That is the exact same time break down of the first part of the prophecy of the 70 year of the temples desolation. The conclusion is that they are talking about the same time thing. They are being reissued another set of Sabbath-years.

Now concerning the word decree or determined, depending upon which translation you use. The word mean “to cut” it comes from the same word family as words that are related to covenant or legal agreements. You see the concept of cutting in Genesis 15 when Abraham cuts up the animals and separates them making a path for God to walk through. What is happening here? Abraham is faltering in his faith and God comes to reassure him that He, God, can be trusted. God condescends and obligates himself to Abraham by making a covenant with Abraham saying in effect, if I don’t keep my promise you can do to me what you did to the animals. This was a serious vow, God guaranteed to Abraham that he would keep his vow. This is the origin of the word to decree or determine, it come from cutting a covenant, it does not come from the idea of amputation, as in separating on part of something from another part of something. In the case of the prophecy it dose not mean to amputate or separate it from the 2300 day prophecy.

Now I must address one more issue that is has been raised, namely that the day-year and the Sabbath-year are the same thing and that they can be used interchangeably. This is an error. If this premise were true we could use the day-year principle and the Sabbath-year cycles as substitutes one for another and every prophecy would divide evenly by the number 7, 7 being the number of years need to reach the Sabbath-year, stated another way the number of years needed in a weeks of years. This is not the case in every case. The Day-year, Sabbath-year swap is not universal it applies is some cases but not in other cases. For example 490 years, 1260 years, divide evenly by 7, you get 70 Sabbath years, 180 Sabbath years respectively. The interchange works in these cases. How ever it does not work in the came of the 1290 year, 1335 years and 2300 days/years, divided them by 7 and you get 184.285 Sabbath years, 190.7142 Sabbath years and 328.5714 Sabbath years. If they were interchangeable you would have an exact division, this shows that the day-year and the Sabbath year are not used universally or interchangeably as some have claimed. Those who do so, do so out of ignorance or deception.

Another thing that must be addressed are the themes in Daniel 8 and Daniel 9 they are completely different. In Daniel 8 the prophecy starts with the temple existing then it is defiled and then it is restored. In Daniel 9 you start with the temple be desolate, the temple is restored and then it is desolated again. The passages cannot be linked because they do not cover the same events. Daniel 8 is about restoring the temple, Daniel 9 is about the temple being destroyed. SDA’s ignores the context of the chapter and focus on the numbers ignoring what is actually happening in the chapter.

Which brings me to my final point the numbers. SDA assume a day year principle in Daniel 8 and in Daniel 9, when in fact the day year principle is not used in either passage. In Daniel 8 it is “evenings & mornings” a reference to Genesis 1 and the days of creation. 2300 year may be possible out of Daniel 8 but you arrive at by the yearly day of atonement, it would be 2300 days of atonement. This is independent of Daniel 9 which use the Sabbath Year principle in Lev. 25:1-7, which is the basis of the Babylonian captivity of Israel. The 2 passages are not connected based on prophetic number or events. This is how you deal with the SDA mind and how you Break 1844.

P.S. I do not believe that the SDA’s are wrong on every part of the prophecy or their teaching, the 1844 and EGW are a problem. If SDA’s could officially change this teaching it is my belief that they would grow exponentially as a Church. They have much to offer, but the Stink of Ellen G, White and the 1844 error permeate their teaching, spoiling the whole thing.

See Also: Daniel 9: Proof that Jesus/Yeshua is the Messiah

The Harbinger Fraud

Isaiah 9 was a Harbinger for Israel

not The United States of America

Jonathan Cahn

A harbinger is a warning given ahead of time. Jonathan Cahn, A self styled Messianic Rabbi, published his out of context theory in 2012, eleven years after it supposedly took place. So, it is hardly a real harbinger.

There is also no hermeneutical reason for Mr. Cahn claiming that Isaiah 9-12 is a prophecy about The United States of America.  These Isaiah warnings were clearly a prophecy given to Jacob.

The view that reflects this kind of thinking is a much disparaged, ego-centric hermeneutic. Insert your time, your people or your place on the basis that you feel that you are too important not to be in the Bible. Cahn’s making it about America, because a few trees died on 9-11, is absurd.

We can draw a general typology from the Old Testament, in that the ancient people of Israel were unfaithful to God and were judged. Therefore, the church, that has also largely been unfaithful to God, will also face judgment. Continue reading

Symbolism in Icon Paintings

Ever wonder about all those symbolic things in Roman Catholic icon paintings? Here is a nice article that explains some of them.

Of the lilies it says “Though there are some differences in interpretation, the stem of the lily is thought to symbolize Mary’s religiously faithful mind, the petals her purity and virginity, the scent of the flower her divinity, and the leaves her humility.”

A Comparison of Two Madonna Paintings by Bouguereau

William Bouguereau’s “Virgin of the Lilies” versus “Madonna of the Roses”  By  | January 22, 2014La Madone aux Roses

La Vierge aux Lys

Weeping Idol

It is shocking that people in this day and age still fall for this kind of fraud.

 What profit is an idol when its maker has shaped it, a metal image, a teacher of lies? For the workman trusts in his own creation when he makes dumb idols!  Woe to him who says to a wooden thing, Awake; to a dumb stone, Arise! Can this give revelation? Behold, it is overlaid with gold and silver, and there is no breath at all in it. Hab. 2:18 -19


Hundreds flock to ‘weeping’ Mary statue in Israel

This article claims these people are Christians, however they are clearly Roman Catholics.


IHOP – the International House of Prayer

PassionOneThingA Very Clever Counterfeit

It is bad enough that we have to combat TBN as it preys on lonely widows, now we have a group preying on the young.

For more information see Link


Yes, you can have an ecstatic relationship with God. That is what our Song of Songs blog is trying to teach. But you cannot get there by using pagan meditations techniques, visualization, and hypnotism as your method, this is what the Bible calls sorcery.

Real ecstasy comes from long in-depth study of the Word of God. If we want the intimacy, like any relationship, we must work for it.

Apostasy comes from the neglect of a plan reading of the Bible. These predators would stand no chance of deceiving anyone if all were eel versed in the Bible. However the foolish and ignorant are easy prey.

I have laid up thy word in my heart, that I might not sin against thee. Psa. 119:11

Ancient Aliens

Cyrus the Great

Cyrus the Great

The Ancient Aliens TV series is one of the greatest examples of ignorance run wild in postmodern times. None of these so-called experts have ever read a single book, article, or report from actual archeologist or comparative religion experts.

They look at some ancient painting, carving, or stele with no understanding of what the artist might have been trying to communicate and conclude “ALIENS”. It is absolutely absurd. If it weren’t for the fact that we meet people who believe them, the whole thing would be funny.

They believe that no human ever invented or discovered anything without the help of these elusive aliens.

However, instead of spending a lot of time explaining all these paintings carvings, and steles we have found two wonderful sites that have already done the work.

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Ancient Aliens debunked

The Nephilim Deception

2 the sons of God saw that the daughters of men were fair; and they took to wife such of them as they chose. Gen. 6:2


It used to be only a few people had ever heard of this cabalistic teaching. We rarely had to deal with the absurd idea that there were or are hybrid people out there. This belief that somehow fallen angels had sex with human women and produced giants. However now almost everyone asks us about this. It seems many of the prophecy mongers are now getting on the “Ancient Aliens” bandwagon. If you have not seen the TV show, their whole premise is that a bunch of guys who have never read anything about comparative religion or art appreciation has taken a look at some old piece of art that they don’t understand and conclude “aliens”.  This is not how one determines what the Bible means or for that matter what the art is about.

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