Israel & The Church in the Last Days
The Historicist View of Prophecy
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The Son of Perdition or Torah Breaker
The Corruption of the Church
Romanism and the Reformation
Soul Refuge
Lawless One/Lawlessness
Doctrinal Statement
False Teacher
Historicist’s Hermeneutics
The Hermeneutics of Parallel Passages
A Typological study of Saul and David, 1 Sam. 15
Isaiah’s Oracles
Isaiah 13-14, Lucifer just another name
Isaiah 14:28-32, Philistia Who?
Isaiah 17 An Oracle Concerning Damascus
Isaiah 22: 15-25 Shebna and Eliakim
Isaiah 21 Dumah
An Oracle Concerning Egypt, Isaiah 19
An Oracle Concerning Arabia Isaiah 21:13-17
Isaiah 21: 1-10 An Oracle Concerning the Wilderness of the Sea
Isaiah 23:1-18 The Destruction of Tyre
Matthew 24
Matthew 24 Intro
One Shall be Taken Matt. 24:40-44
The Triumphal Entry, Matt. 21:1-11
The Money Changers, Matt. 21:12-13
Healing in the Temple, Matt. 21:14-17
By Whose Authority? Matt. 21:23-27
The Cursed Fig Tree – Matt 21:18-22
The Parable of The Two Sons, Matt. 21:28-32
The Parable of the Wicked Tenants, Matt. 21:33-46
The Wedding Banquet, Matt. 22:1-14
The Pharisees and the Herodians, Matt. 22:15-22
The Sadducees Question the Resurrection, Matt. 22:23-33
The Pharisees ask Which is the Greatest Commandment, Matt. 22:34-46
Keep the Law, but not the Lawyers, Matt. 23:1-12
Seven Woes, Matt. 23:13-43
The Olivet Discourse
Sign of Your Coming
Many Shall be Lead Astray, Matt. 24:4-5
There will be Wars and Rumors of Wars – Matt. 24:6-8
The Beginning of Birth Pangs
The Desolating Sacrilege
Famines and Pestilences
Sun, Moon, and Stars
Coming in the Clouds ( part 1)
The Son of Man coming on the Clouds of Heaven (part 2)
The Fig Tree
This Generation
No Man Knows the Day or Hour
The Days of Noah
The Faithful and Wicked Servants
Eye and Mouth
Day for a Year – Time Prophecies in the Bible
Sun, Moon, and Stars
Rock and Stones
Trees that Represent Israel
Water, Rivers, and Seas
Lawless One/Lawlessness
Trees and Grasses are People
The Stone/Rock
Coming in the Clouds
The Two Little Horns
The Cup in Biblical Symbolism
“Thousands” in Prophecy
White Clothing
Earth in The Revelation
Rod of Iron
Sharp Sword
Six in Biblical Symbology
Prophecy Wall Chart
Where Islam came from (100 AD – 674 AD)
Margaret MacDonald / The origin of the Rapture
The Doxology in Rev. 1:4
The Second Doxology Rev. 4:8-11
St. Bartholomew’s day Massacre
The Seven Beatitudes of The Revelation
The Third Doxology, Rev. 5:12
The Two Witnesses, or is it Four? Rev. 11:4-12
1844 the Edict of Toleration
The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse
Soli-Lunar Cycles
The Mark of The Beast
6’s in the Bible
Roasted Child
Apocalyptic Literature
Scofield – The Pope of Prophecy Perversion
Temple Omens
The Battle of Armageddon?
A Holy Fountain, Baptism, Living Waters, Set Apart, Kadosh
Parallelisms in The Revelation
The Revelation’s Doxologies
The Ten Nations, Ten Toes, or Ten Horns Chart
The Hoax of a One World Government or New World Order
Eagles and Eagle Wings
The French Revolution
The 95 Theses by Luther
Church In-fighting
H. Grattan Guinness’ Round Chart
The Nicolaitans
The Two Babylons in pdf
Futurism or what happened to the Tribulation?
Rebuilding the Temple and Julian the Heretic
The Jesuit Oath Exposed
The Edict of Justinian
The Twelve Conclusions of the Lollards (1396-97)
Israel Failed to Keep the Covenant
Parsing Daniel 8:12
Judgment comes in Fours
H. Grattan Guinness’ Large Time Chart
Nations of the Former Imperial Powers
A Translation of Tetzel’s Indulgences
Romanism and the Reformation
Names of the Twelve Tribes
The Mystery of Iniquity
The Imperial Edict of Phocas
Daniel 9: Proof that Jesus/Yeshua is the Messiah
Daniel’s Critics, Detractors, and other Screwballs
Four Kinds of Men in Daniel
Dream Dreams and See Visions Joel 2:28-32
The Restoration Joel 3:1-12
Blow the trumpet in Zion, Joel 2:1-11
Call to Repentance, Joel 2:12-17
The Removal of the Locusts Armies, Joel 2:18-26
Known to be Fulfilled
Acts 2:14-22, Dream, Dreams or see Visions
John 12:37-43, Who has believed our Report?
Matt 27:9, 30 Pieces of Silver and Two Tall Sticks
Matthew 21:4-5, The Ass’ Colt
Matthew 8:14-16, He took our infirmities and bore our diseases
Matthew 2:23, Natzer or Nazarene
Matthew 2:16-18, Rachel Weeping
Matthew 2:13, Out of Egypt
Matthew 2:1-6, Bethlehem the birth place of Messsiah
Matthew 1:18 -23, Emmanuel
Psalms 120 The Tents of Kedar
Zechariah 1:1-6 A Call For National Repentance
Zechariah 1:7-17
Zechariah 1:18-19
Zechariah 2
Zechariah 3
Zechariah 4
Zechariah 5:1-4
Zechariah 5:5-11
Zechariah 6:1 -8
Zechariah 6:9-15
Zechariah 7:1-7
Zechariah 7:8-14
Zechariah 8:1-8
Zech 8:9-17 The Past and Future in Contrast
Zechariah 8:18 -23
Zechariah 9:1-8
Zechariah 9:9-12
Zechariah 9: 13-17
Zechariah 10:1-12
Zechariah 11
Introduction to the Second Oracle
Zecharaiah 12:1-9
Zechariah 12:10-14
Zechariah 13:1-6
Zechariah 13:7-9
Zechariah 14:1-5
Zechariah 14:8-21
August 27, 2020
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