The Nephilim Deception

2 the sons of God saw that the daughters of men were fair; and they took to wife such of them as they chose. Gen. 6:2


It used to be only a few people had ever heard of this cabalistic teaching. We rarely had to deal with the absurd idea that there were or are hybrid people out there. This belief that somehow fallen angels had sex with human women and produced giants. However now almost everyone asks us about this. It seems many of the prophecy mongers are now getting on the “Ancient Aliens” bandwagon. If you have not seen the TV show, their whole premise is that a bunch of guys who have never read anything about comparative religion or art appreciation has taken a look at some old piece of art that they don’t understand and conclude “aliens”.  This is not how one determines what the Bible means or for that matter what the art is about.

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How does the Resurrection Work?

The simple case on not understanding God’s Omnipresence.

veterans_cemeteryFrom a small child who has lost his pet to anyone who has lost a loved one the age old question is voiced, “What happens when we die?”

In the case of small children and the bereaved often a simple short answer is all that is needed; many will never ask again.  They are content to live out their lives believing in some very simple, and for some unsatisfactory, even ludicrous conceptions.

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The Blood Moons HOAX

Belief that the blood moons signify something extraordinary is like believing that animal migrations signify something extraordinary.  They are just too regular and predictable.

We are not sure how many or how far this teaching has spread.  Google turned up Pastor John Hagee first, so we will go with what we found on his website.  The Dispensationalists have taught that the eclipses of the moon are portents of the Second Coming, or the beginning of an apocalyptic tribulation event.  Supposedly, four such blood moons are coming.  While this is made to sound rather ominous and warlike, these blood moons are actually a known periodic celestial appearance.

What Hagee and others are teaching:

banner291“THE COMING FOUR FULL BLOOD MOONS” Continue reading

The Day of the LORD

john-martin-1789-1854-great-day-of-the-lordThe day of the Lord is said to be an event at the end of time. The dispensationalist will take you to the verses that say it is “near” and explain that the writer really meant futuristically.  It is all very convoluted and confusing, and it contradicts one of the preeminent rules of hermeneutics, in that, the plain reading of the text is to be preferred above all others.  Look methodically at the passages in question and figure out where and when this “Day” is or was to happen.

Be careful because there is also that nagging problem of those pesky translators, who are often inconsistent with their translations, so that the non Hebrew reader thinks something special or different is being said, when nothing of the kind is even being inferred.   The first three verses in the Bible with this phrase   “The day of the Lord” or “Yom YHWH”, are a prime example.  They translated “today” instead of “the day” where in the Hebrew it is “the day”. Continue reading

The LORD of Hosts

holy-angelic-hostsThe title LORD of Hosts in English invokes the idea of a Being that commands both the cosmos and spiritual beings.  All creation is ordered and marshaled by Him.  It is a title of the LORD which indicates His supreme creative omnipotence.

In Hebrew YHWH Seva’ot, is always plural, which in Hebrew does not necessarily mean more than two, but can indicate great, large or important.

“Holy, Holy, Holy, is the Lord of hosts, The whole earth is full of His glory”.  Isa 6:3

 Common misunderstanding

There are some people who think and/or teach that the hosts of God are angelic forces.  They use Rev 12 as their proof text.

His tail swept down a third of the stars of heaven, and cast them to the earth. And the dragon stood before the woman who was about to bear a child, that he might devour her child when she brought it forth; Rev. 12:4

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The Angel of the LORD

sunset_rays_web_900x675The word for angel in the Hebrew can mean angel, messenger, or king, only the context decides the meaning.  But the Angel of the LORD is very different. He is clearly not an ordinary angel.  He is extraordinary. Unlike regular angels, if you can call an angel regular, the Angel of the LORD claims to be God [Ex  3:1-22], and He accepts worship [Judg. 13:16], no other angels ever makes these claims.  If worship is offered to them, they correct the person, and advice them to worship God. [Rev. 19:10; 22:9]. Where the Angel of the LORD lights the fire. [Judge 6:21]

The Angel of the LORD presented himself as no other.  Because of his unique behavior, scholars have come up with a more descriptive name,  The Pre Incarnate Christ.

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Dispensations, what are they?

mosesThere is a school of hermeneutics called Dispensationalism that teaches there are different times periods in which God works differently with different peoples. Most of these teachers have 7 dispensations, but I have seen as many as 21. However, not all people who teach dispensations are dispensationalist.

We Historicists count 3 dispensations so far.

Please note: We do not believe that God changes the way He is working. We do not believe that His laws have passed away. God does not change but rather His plan is progressively being revealed.

These three dispensations are marked by the fact that they begin with large amounts of information about God’s plans and purposes being revealed along with many miracles. Over time less and less information is given until only a few people are hearing. The period ends with approximately 400 years of silence.

The first one started with Creation to Moses. Pre-Mosaic time with Adam, Noah, and Abraham, and Joseph being the central characters of this dispensation; from Joseph to Moses there was 400 years of silence.

The second dispensation started with Moses and the Law given and ended with the Messiah and the final destruction of The Temple. From Malachi to John the Baptist there was approximately 400 years of silence. Interesting note; Moses was in the wilderness teaching the Law for 40 years and it took 40 years from the time of the Crucifixion to the final destruction of The Temple and with it the Sacrificial Code. Note also the disciples were teaching the Gospel and establishing “The Way”  [Acts 24:14]. By the end of this period all of the disciples were gone,with the exception of John who was still alive.

group-of-pilgrims-jpgThe Third dispensation began with Messiah and continues till this time. This dispensation usually called the Church Age or Kingdom Age.   At the beginning there was a lot of teaching and excitement during the first 400 years, then tapering off, as you can imagine, during the Dark Ages. Occasionally you will note some little guy or group popping up to keep it alive, such as Peter Waldo, John Huss, John Wycliffe, and the Reformers ending approximately with The Pilgrims. Since then we have experienced “the silence”.

We expect that a new dispensation is about to start. So following the format it should be heralded by copious amounts of information and performances of miracles.

It will probably take 40 years to assimilate the new information or teaching and we could really use those miracles as this world is a mess. Whether or not Messiah himself will return to give us this new revelation in God’s plan in the physical or spiritual way we do not know; only time will do the telling.

Speculation is fun but it is all vapor.

PS.  We are pre-millennialist.  However we are aware that there are some of the problems with this view.