Ancient Aliens

Cyrus the Great

Cyrus the Great

The Ancient Aliens TV series is one of the greatest examples of ignorance run wild in postmodern times. None of these so-called experts have ever read a single book, article, or report from actual archeologist or comparative religion experts.

They look at some ancient painting, carving, or stele with no understanding of what the artist might have been trying to communicate and conclude “ALIENS”. It is absolutely absurd. If it weren’t for the fact that we meet people who believe them, the whole thing would be funny.

They believe that no human ever invented or discovered anything without the help of these elusive aliens.

However, instead of spending a lot of time explaining all these paintings carvings, and steles we have found two wonderful sites that have already done the work.

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Ancient Aliens debunked

One thought on “Ancient Aliens

  1. Thank you for the Debunked video. I have watched a few of these shows and did not know what to believe.!! Now I know it’s all BS. Thank you for the enlightenment..

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